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Renewable clarifies facts

Editor: Renewable Power Corp. appreciates the assistance of the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association on our current Tyson Creek operations, and we will continue to work closely with them and regulators in the future.


Renewable Power Corp. appreciates the assistance of the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association on our current Tyson Creek operations, and we will continue to work closely with them and regulators in the future.

I would, however, like to correct some mistakes in a letter from executive director Dan Bouman (Coast Reporter, Aug. 20).

We are not bottom draining Tyson Lake, but have an inlet at the side of the lake that draws in water. We did not shut down and then re-start operations on the dates he mentioned, but continued to run at a reduced capacity while conducting tests to assess the impact of the slide at the intake. The conclusions on our small slide will be useful to authorities considering the Meager Creek slide that is billions of times larger in magnitude. Dan should wait for the release of the scientific studies before opining that any damage may have been done.

The facts are that global warming has caused damage to the fisheries stocks worldwide, and we are doing our part in offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. We are a locally owned company committed to helping the environment.

Peter Schober

Renewable Power Corp.