Once again over the past year, many people have stepped forward to demonstrate that they as humans have regressed, yet they truly believe that they are the superior ones. My top picks in this group would have to be:
Gordon Campbell and his government and their big lie about no harmonized sales tax; Al Gore and his half truths about global warming; VANOC and their decision not to support woman's ski jumping, the judges who ruled against these women and both provincial and federal politicians who stood silently by, doing nothing; Taser-happy police; and Gibsons council for their decision to restrict the flow of traffic through Gibsons.
But just when I thought these might be the top five, along comes the councillors from Sechelt enacting a bylaw that will fine owners of dogs that chase birds and other assorted creatures. Amazing. While trying to enact legislation to change centuries of evolution, they have proved that they themselves have regressed to a state back beyond the Neanderthal.
Let me say this loud and clear: the stupidity of this bylaw is only surpassed by the ignorance of the councillors who created and enacted it.
Shayne Gordon