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Recycler deserves support

Editor: I am writing to voice my support of the Gibsons Recycling Depot and to protest the lack of community and governmental support behind it.


I am writing to voice my support of the Gibsons Recycling Depot and to protest the lack of community and governmental support behind it. As you may know, the waste from the extremely undersized and difficult to access green recycling bins at IGA Plaza yard is trucked to Sechelt from Gibsons and then eventually trucked off the Coast. This is completely ludicrious and creates a terrible and unnecessary carbon footprint when we already have a very well managed and manned yard helping us deal with all our waste.

This large yard has been quietly picking up all the slack on their own pocketbook for far too long, six years, without any funding of any kind. It is run from the heart with a strong vision for as zero waste as possible. Where is the sense in having yet another $90,000 survey into dealing with community waste?

Paula O'Brien

Kidzsmart Concepts Inc.