Residents of East Porpoise Bay are raising a stink about a proposed new sewage treatment facility in their neighbourhood.
Never an area of Sechelt to back down from what they perceive to be unfair treatment, the folks in the vicinity of Allen Road (the proposed new site) plunged into the July 15 council meeting with strong opinions about the suggested site.
Sewer has long been a contentious issue in Sechelt. The present Dusty Road plant is not a likely candidate for an upgrade. The pump is inadequate and rather than spend money on a piecemeal solution the decision as far back as 2007 was to build a plant in the East Porpoise Bay.
Ironically the residential area around Allen Road depends on septic tanks to handle its wastewater, so neighbours there are not seeing any benefit to a new plant. Already one family in the area has had their lawyers write a letter to the District pointing out what they feel are the numerous smelly aspects of the location.
This is the second controversy Sechelt council has had to deal with this month. In the other, Laurel Avenue residents are incensed with road construction scheduled for their road this month even though the road is necessary for badly needed access to the area.
And while we can understand people not wanting changes to their way of life eventually the District runs out of backyards. The reality is sewage flows much better and more economically downhill. Emergency vehicles need to reach the upper levels above Davis Bay. Sometimes to be part of a community the greater good needs to trump individual concerns. We see these two issues as those times.
In order for our community to grow and prosper, to bring in new development to spread the tax burden around, decisions will need to be made that aren't popular. How the relatively new Sechelt council handles these malodorous issues will be a real test of its mettle.
We, the friends and co-workers of Heather Till send her our heartfelt sympathy. Her mum, Tena MacGregor passed away July 15.