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Permits, bylaws, controversy

Editor: A few years ago, permits were issued to subdivide two parcels of land on Highway 101 just out of Sechelt.


A few years ago, permits were issued to subdivide two parcels of land on Highway 101 just out of Sechelt. For a long time we had traffic delays and blasting to create those subdivisions, which caused great distress to people who lived in the immediate area.

Mind you, these problems generated a lot of money for the village of Sechelt and other people involved. This I have no problem with, as we need to generate employment, but I do have a problem with the controversy the bylaw concerning the hunting of elk in the District of Sechelt has created.

When this bylaw was put in, Sechelt was only a village taking up a very small area, and this bylaw was fine. But when the village became a District, it took in the area where the elk resided. Also, hunting was permitted for as long as I can remember. The elk did and still do major damage to the golf course, the turf farm and what used to be Murry's Nursery, plus other properties.

The letters I have seen recently in Coast Reporter against this bylaw are by only a few people. They have a right to their opinions, but the hunting of elk does not cause the delays, financial loss and inconvenience that the above-mentioned permits did.

We all have our interest in different things, we have to learn to respect other peoples' interests as well.

Bill Ellis
