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Peace Group celebrates 150th

Editor: A small, but determined group of peace activists will hold the 150th consecutive weekly Bring Our Troops Home Vigil along the waterfront in Davis Bay this coming Saturday, Nov. 14 from 12:30 to 2 p.m.


A small, but determined group of peace activists will hold the 150th

consecutive weekly Bring Our Troops Home Vigil along the waterfront in Davis

Bay this coming Saturday, Nov. 14 from 12:30 to 2 p.m.

We invite all Coast Reporter readers to help deploy hundreds of laminated

Bristol board fluorescent ribbon festooned peace doves hoisted on metre-long

bamboo sticks all along the kilometre-long Davis Bay Promenade. The doves

bear the photos of fallen Canadian troops in Afghanistan as well as civilian

victims of the war and little-publicized facts about the invasion and

occupation of Afghanistan by NATO armies. Passing motorists are encouraged

to honk their horns for peace and the response from the public has been


The weekly vigil began Jan. 20, 2007 and has been maintained by a small

core of regulars supported by a large number of local people who

occasionally lend a hand.

Many pedestrians have thanked us for reminding them of the consequences of

this war on young Canadian troops and their families and on innocent

civilians overseas. Thousands of pedestrians have gone by and only two or

three have ever had a negative reaction. Most motorists who have responded

have done so with a honk, a smile or a thumbs up. Very few have given us

the finger, only one or two each week out of about 1,800 cars.

During this Remembrance Day week, locals are encouraged to take action for

peace by joining the Sunshine Coast Peace Group's weekly vigil in Davis Bay.

Roger Lagassé

For the Sunshine Coast Peace Group