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O'Shea calming costs explained

Editor: I have had a few folks suggest the Town spent an inordinate amount of tax dollars in our efforts to improve public safety and slow vehicle traffic on O'Shea Road.


I have had a few folks suggest the Town spent an inordinate amount of tax dollars in our efforts to improve public safety and slow vehicle traffic on O'Shea Road. We have the information now on costs to conduct this trial: installation costs (labour) $2,150; removal cost (labour) $2,969 for a total of $5,119.

Other materials such as curbing and signage totalled $3,696. As these materials will be re-used by the Town on other projects, these costs should not be added.

This traffic calming effort was always intended - and stated - to be a trial. If it was deemed to be successful, the cost of removal of the initial works would have been incurred to make way for permanent measures in any event. Costs attributable to the design and the placement of the chicanes were minimal. The bulk of the design cost ($31,054) was for the section of road between Spyglass and School roads, involving drainage, paving, ditch enclosures and a sidewalk.

Please recognize it was residents who requested the Town explore ideas to slow traffic on O'Shea Road and make their street safer. We don't always get everything right, but we are trying. For the relatively small amount of money expended, we learned a lot. This insight will allow us to make further improvements in other ways and in other areas for our community.

Barry Janyk

Mayor of Gibsons