Coastal communities across British Columbia rely on BC Ferries as a lifeline. These are not luxury services — they are marine highways connecting people to schools, jobs, medical appointments and family. Without them, life in many ferry-dependent communities would be impossible.
For years, the Ferry Advisory Committees (FACs) have been a key connection between communities and the people who run the ferry system. Their replacement in May — for some new but as-yet-unknown engagement model — is a serious step away from public consultation and accountability.
BC Ferries may be structured as a private company but it is publicly owned and delivers an essential public service. Decisions made by its leadership affect the quality of life for thousands of people. Moving to a top-down model, where communities are informed after decisions are made, is not consultation — it’s an erosion of the relationship between the public and a service they rely on and help pay for.
As ferry workers, we know this firsthand. Our members don’t just work on these vessels — they live in these coastal communities. They rely on the ferries to get home, just like everyone else. They understand how service cuts, schedule changes or rising fares directly affect families, businesses and access to health care and education.
BC Ferries must be accountable — not only to government but to the communities it serves. That’s why the Ferry Advisory Committees mattered. They gave people a seat at the table and ensured decisions were made with local input. Were they perfect? No. But the solution isn’t to scrap them. It’s to strengthen them, so coastal communities continue to have a real voice in shaping their future.
As a union, we believe that public services should put people first. We’ve seen what happens when public services are run like private businesses — profit comes before people. That’s not what British Columbians need or deserve.
We’re calling on BC Ferries to support — not sink — the Ferry Advisory Committees. Make them stronger, more inclusive and more effective. But don’t silence the communities who rely on these services every day.
We also urge everyone who depends on BC Ferries to speak up. Write to BC Ferries. Contact your MLA. Let them know you expect real consultation and a meaningful say in decisions that impact your community.
The future of BC Ferries should be built with the people who live and work on this coast — not decided in a boardroom behind closed doors.
Eric McNeely is the president of the BC Ferries & Marine Workers’ Union