As Coast residents we all know that our crosswalks are not always as safe as they should be. Almost daily, we cross at the very broad, and very busy one, at Teredo and Shorncliffe. It has a turn from Teredo onto Shorncliffe, which has no stop sign and therefore requires special vigilance by pedestrians. There are many times when we stand waiting for traffic to stop while four or more cars go through the crosswalk (seemingly at greater than the speed limit). This happens despite our visibility in daylight, wearing light-coloured clothing. We also cross only when the setting sun is no longer a hazard for drivers.
Thankfully, there are some very careful drivers who stop well back from the crosswalk. Some flash their lights so we know they’re stopping; others turn on their hazards so those behind see the need to stop, thus preventing a rear-ender which could push a car into the crosswalk. We would like to thank those drivers who respond carefully to crosswalk etiquette. The promised traffic light at this location cannot come soon enough to make all pedestrians feel safer.
Katherine Johnston and
Andrew Scott, Sechelt