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Obey flaggers and slow down

For some time now there has been ongoing work being done in Egmont. There are two projects, one with Hydro (putting up new poles and stringing new cable) and the other with B.A. Blacktop putting in the new watermain. With these jobs come flaggers.

For some time now there has been ongoing work being done in Egmont.

There are two projects, one with Hydro (putting up new poles and stringing new cable) and the other with B.A. Blacktop putting in the new watermain. With these jobs come flaggers. I am one of these flaggers.

Signs are set out every morning and taken down when the work is done for the day. We have a two kilometre stretch to work in.

The reason for this letter is, one, some of the locals will not slow down, resulting in me almost getting run over. The female driver stopped finally after me dodging her a few times. The Hydro crew made me take some time off work due to this and the scare it threw into the whole crew.

Two, some locals ignore our signs. One man has now ignored my stop sign not once but twice, going around me and continuing on. This could have resulted in a very bad accident.

A lot of people find it necessary to take attitude with us for stopping them, but we are doing our job protecting the crews and drivers from an accident. We have all taken a flagging course, so yes, we do know how to do our jobs.

In a small town, chances are you may know someone in that work zone who could be seriously injured by your careless actions.

To all the people who do pay attention and slow down, thank you very much, it is appreciated. Please pay attention to road and crew signs, and slow down. Traffic fines do double in work zones.

There is still work to be done along Egmont Road, so please, please slow down before someone gets injured or something worse happens.

Cathy Silvey

Halfmoon Bay