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Not surprised by salmon returns

Editor: Re: "Salmon return brings pleasant surprises" (Coast Reporter, Nov. 13) We at the Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhance-ment Society were most pleased to see the pink salmon returns in the Gibsons area. However, we were not surprised at the event.


Re: "Salmon return brings pleasant surprises" (Coast Reporter, Nov. 13)

We at the Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhance-ment Society were most pleased to see the pink salmon returns in the Gibsons area.

However, we were not surprised at the event.

This lack of surprise is due to the fact that the hatchery at Chapman Creek collected 100,000 eggs and hatched them at the facility. Then the fry were carefully deposited and nurtured in net pens in Gibsons Harbour. After release, they made their life's journey and returned to their imprinted home at Gibsons Harbour.

Our non-profit and financially strained society will do our best to keep hatching salmon so they will coming back to Gibsons as well as Davis Bay and the Sechelt Inlet.

A. F. Butt
