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Not so scary being human

Editor: In the April 27th edition there was a letter from an individual who was concerned about the possibility of a nudists resort starting up in Roberts Creek.


In the April 27th edition there was a letter from an individual who was concerned about the possibility of a nudists resort starting up in Roberts Creek.

I have to wonder why this person would care what other consenting adults do with their time, let alone their bodies. Could it be that we as a society have become so far removed from the natural human state of being naked that fear has now occupied that concept too? We are sold false heroes through celebrity construction, listen to the samesongs on the radio 40 years runningwhile we buy processed food and live in a panic knowing that if and when we get sick it is too expensive for most of us to deal with. Not all of us humans are thin, young and "attractive" in the eyes of society. I'm starting to think that maybe being in the buff with others who feel the same way might be an empowering andliberating experience, shaking us out of ourcollective digital devicetrance to remind us that we are only human after all. That's not such a dangerous idea, is it?

Debbie Bankswell
