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Not deliberate misinformation

Editor: My thanks to Kim Fenton for pointing out that the Liberal candidate for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky, Daniel Veniez, has not been a recent member of the Conservative Party (Coast Reporter, letters, Nov. 6).


My thanks to Kim Fenton for pointing out that the Liberal candidate for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky, Daniel Veniez, has not been a recent member of the Conservative Party (Coast Reporter, letters, Nov. 6).

I jumped to that conclusion based on the fact that he had been a member of the Progressive Conservative Party up until 1992, "as an admirer of the youthful Brian Mulroney" and "became a Stephen Harper supporter in 2006" (Macleans, Aug. 20, 2009). I also based my mistaken assumption on the fact that he is only a very recent convert to the Liberal Party. My apologies for that error. it was not deliberate "misinformation."

While election speculation has cooled significantly, I am sure that the alternative choice to the current Conservative member of Parliament will be clear by the time an election comes. Do we want a corporate businessman residing in Kerrisdale to represent us, or do we want a representative who grew up on the Coast, has lived, worked, and raised a family in this riding for almost 40 years, and who continues to be an active contributor to arts and social development in our community?

Bill Forst

NDP candidate/West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country