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No more mail-outs please

Editor: Yet another flyer from Mr. Weston arrived in my mailbox last week. This time it's to ask me the same question once again: "Who's on track for Canada?" This week it's a guy barbecuing with the headline "Did the crime, doing the time.


Yet another flyer from Mr. Weston arrived in my mailbox last week. This time it's to ask me the same question once again: "Who's on track for Canada?"

This week it's a guy barbecuing with the headline "Did the crime, doing the time." Week after week, I am obliged to look at this empty, image-enhanced material as it's delivered to my mailbox. I'm happy to glance over flyers and put them in the recycling bin, but this one in particular has me thinking twice as I wonder why my tax dollars are paying for this.

I understand politicians need to advertise themselves, but in this day and age, there's got to be a better way. I sent back multiple flyers and emailed Weston's office with no reply. The only thing I ask is to remove me from his mailing list, but I gather that's impossible. So I ask you, Mr. Weston, to please send out a flyer outlining the estimated cost and amount of trees needed to promote yourself in your one-way communications.

Marc Buzzell
