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Loss of signs frustrating

Editor: If you are driving around Gibsons looking for a Christmas event to attend, try finding the Town's bulletin boards instead of looking on the usual poles that have in past posted events.


If you are driving around Gibsons looking for a Christmas event to attend, try finding the Town's bulletin boards instead of looking on the usual poles that have in past posted events.

The Town of Gibsons is no longer allowing locals to promote events via posters on 'street furniture' according to town policy. I applaud their effort to keep Gibsons a desirable place to live by not allowing pieces of cardboard and washed out Bristol board hanging off posts for weeks. It is unsightly and, in my opinion, litter. People leaving signs up 24 hours after an event should be fined.

The other side of that coin, however, is that posting signs from Langdale to Egmont has traditionally been a long-standing form of communication. In all the years of promoting events, I have never lost a sign in Gibsons before this year. In this season of craft fairs, concerts, bake sales, fundraising for food banks and such, it is a hardship for the people involved as this is how they make their living.

'Tis the season. By not allowing us this opportunity, many do not know or forget an event is on. I daresay, most reading this letter have stopped at some point to get a car wash or attend an event due to a posted sign. We are told to shop locally and support our local economy. When people attend these events, the beneficiaries are the local gas stations and grocery stores, as well as local artisans and single moms at bake sales.

Sometimes we need to look at the bigger picture and clean up the mess of the few that do not comply with Town policy of removing old signs.

Mar-Lynn Joy Church

Roberts Creek