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Loss of a great service

It is with great sadness that I have just read the brochure from the Gibsons Recycling Depot, outlining their important changes and that they will no longer be able to accept most household recycling items.

It is with great sadness that I have just read the brochure from the Gibsons Recycling Depot, outlining their important changes and that they will no longer be able to accept most household recycling items.

I have been one of the 'silent majority' who have complacently gone along happily taking my recycling to them, not understanding their dilemma. I knew they were a private firm and that their services were above and beyond those offered at the SCRD collection sites. When I discovered the depot several years ago, I immediately stopped using the SCRD sites. In fact, I could never understand why people continued to use those inefficient and unfriendly, not to mention unsightly, sites. Perhaps it was because they did not know of the depot?

I completed the recent SCRD survey regarding the curbside pick up, opining that this should not be publicly funded as we had the wonderful depot that most people who were serious about recycling would use. I would like to know why the various government levels have not supported this wonderful privately owned business? Why are we spending taxpayers' money on an inferior recycling program?

The staff at Gibsons Recycling have always been extremely courteous and helpful. An efficient company such as this is needed in this community.

We should all be supporting them, including all levels of government. It would be a great loss of a wonderful community service if we were to see the demise of Gibsons Recycling, and we should all be ashamed of ourselves for letting this happen.

Rhona Kelly

Roberts Creek