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Library cuts shameful

Editor: Thank you to Shannon Bond for the report on SD46's preliminary budget (Coast Reporter, May 1), but, one important item was missing.

Editor: Thank you to Shannon Bond for the report on SD46's preliminary budget (Coast Reporter, May 1), but, one important item was missing. Parents and taxpapers should be aware that school libraries will suffer further staffing cuts in the new school year.

Libraries have been decimated during the Liberal reign.

Libraries are the hub of a school and safe places for vulnerable kids. It is a sad state of affairs when a government, school board and

administration expound the value of literacy, but do not maintain school libraries. Students lose and so ultimately does society when so little value is placed on this important facet of education.

While school budgets still allow for the purchase of new books, they have minimal or no staffing to maintain the collection. When a library has no one responsible for its condition, books go missing, are damaged and are incorrectly shelved. Inventories show many dollars are lost in theft and damages. When staff and students cannot find the books they want or need, they experience frustration. Use declines and the library becomes a place that is not respected and no longer serves its intrinsic purpose.

I find it shameful that in times of declining enrolment (used as the

reason for library cuts), School District No. 46's board office staff and administration appears to continue to grow and receive raises while services to children continue to be cut. I am angry both as an employee and taxpayer.

Parents, ask what is happening in your child's library and school board trustees, please reconsider your decision regarding libraries and their support staff cuts.

Marilyn Jares
