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Our dirty bay



As a resident of Porpoise Bay for over 30 years, the number of derelict vessels in the bay has become a major concern. I worked hard my whole life to be able to sit on my deck and have my morning coffee looking at the birds, animals and water. I do not enjoy watching those who live on the derelict boats urinating off their boats or dumping their human waste in to the water. As several of the larger boats have not moved in years, they must be dumping their holding tanks directly into the bay.

I no longer go down to the beach or let others go down because of the pollution, nor do we eat anything that is caught or trapped there.

Several vessels have also sunk there and are now a danger and navigational hazard to other boaters. Visitors to our once beautiful bay are shocked and disgusted by the mess and pollution of our waters.

Recently, someone on one of these boats started running a generator all night, disturbing everyone’s sleep. Is this right? No!

But who are the smart ones? I should sell my house, buy a large, dumpy boat and move into it. I could sit in the same bay and pay no taxes, water or sewer fees. I would have no lawns to mow, no yard or house to maintain (they never maintain their boats). I could go to the recreational facilities in the area to shower and clean. I could enjoy the services provided by the provincial and local governments for free. Maybe I could even run a business on the water.

Someone holding an office from the local, provincial or federal government should live by Porpoise Bay and observe this destruction on a daily basis. Would something then be done? Probably! A totally fed-up taxpayer.

V. M. Mallory, Sechelt