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Letters: The hypocrisy against Stonehurst

'Now playing: The GibsoNimby’s Deride Again!'
Stonehurst in April 2022


Now playing: The GibsoNimby’s Deride Again! The strange bedfellows that could neither defend the waterfront, protect the aquifer (I proudly had a bit part), save Gospel Rock, nor stop School Road housing, all drive in separate cars to their next mis-adventure (set on location at the most tragicomic intersection in the province): Stonewalling The Stonehurst! 

Watch in admiration as a clique of homeowners living on readily acknowledged unceded land prepare to lay down their lives on blacktop. All to prevent the bureaucratic state from trading “their” 20 parking spots for the developer’s 16! 

Cheer on the comfortable, services consuming retirees living in mostly partially renovated, wildly unaffordable, and planetarily unsustainable, low density single family homes with lawns – as they do battle against reasonably designed and densified housing for the next generations! 

See the forest for the trees as homeowners in denuded Oceanmount and Heritage Hills make their last tree stand on protecting a few Wattles! 

Feel the beating of your heart (or was that just Tommy rolling over?) – as sentimental CCFers make the case for putting the overblown symbolic heritage of a building from yesteryear before new housing for people today! 

Experience the intense thirst for misapplied knowledge. Witness those so obsessed about running out of water that they can’t say two words about using less and sharing some with newcomers. 

Watch in horror as this assemblage of “born-elsewheres” abjectly fails to accept that they didn’t lay the infrastructure they use, infrastructure for future generations and a growing population. 

If it all seems a little “entitled” and a little “rich”, well, it is. Still, it’s worth the price of admission! But make your reservations (known) early – as people continue to migrate here (perhaps they know something we don’t?) there apparently won’t be enough tickets (or water or housing) for everyone! 

Alan Donenfeld, Gibsons