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Letters: The gap between reality and desire on the Sunshine Coast

'SCRD sent out a dire prediction of continuing water shortages into the future, including of drinking water, but continues to sign off on developments for new housing.'
Aerial view of Halfmoon Bay during a sunny summer day. Taken in Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada.


Today, two pieces of mail arrived, which seem to illustrate a gap between reality and desire I perceive on the Sunshine Coast. 

SCRD sent out a dire prediction of continuing water shortages into the future, including of drinking water, but continues to sign off on developments for new housing. Were this only for needed staff accommodation, I would have some sympathy, but it’s clear there will be increased density in an area which cannot, and says it won’t be able to, provide basic services such as water. Without water, and with increased density, forest fire hazard is also a real concern. 

The second piece of mail was No Hall at Connor Park, which contains well thought out reasons why this is a bad location for a community hall. In the recent poll about the two proposed locations, I voted for Connor Park because the present location of Coopers Green is so obviously challenged in terms of available land, accessibility, and parking. It ignores rising sea levels in a way that seems delusional. 

I am new to Halfmoon Bay and didn’t realize this site change would entail such a major incursion into the forest and destroy a stand of western white pine. I never would have voted for this site had I known more of the facts. But that is not my main point. 

I question the need for such a localized project. Neither site is practical. 

Carole Harmon, Halfmoon Bay