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Letters: Seek solutions, not division in Sechelt's security and safety program

'The problem is the problem. Let’s talk about the problem. '


Re: Security and safety program endorsed article (Feb. 3). While I endorse the idea of living in a safe community, and I’m OK the idea of video surveillance cameras and community watches, what I’m struggling with is the conflation between crime and RainCity Housing services, crime and lack of support services for people in need, and crime and “vulnerable community” members.  

What is weakly folded into the initiatives is that community safety is being jeopardized by a select group of people connected to RainCity, vulnerability and lack of support services. What’s more dangerous than crime is the kind of stereotyping that divides us – that pits one group against another. Knock it off, folks. This is what happens when the “haves” blame the “have-nots” for the problem. Didn’t we learn anything from the pandemic, from the vaccinated/non-vaccinated divide? People are not the problem. 

The problem is the problem. Let’s talk about the problem. The Harvard Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT) has shown us that, although we all try to hide it, prejudice is alive and well. 

Unfortunately, in this case, it’s not even really well hidden, and I didn’t have to read between the lines. If you want to talk about solutions to the “problem,” hire professionals who will pull apart the systemic contributions, shine a light on the fear and stereotyping, and suggest lasting, tested solutions that work for everyone and not just a select strata of our community. 

I’m disappointed, but not surprised. This is a historic, global problem, on a much smaller Sunshine Coast scale. 

Laurel Phillips, Gibsons