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Letters: Sechelt in political chaos?


The mayor and councillors are elected by the residents of Sechelt. Their work is to provide policy and governance for the benefit, development and well-being of residents. The staff are responsible for operations. To use a sports analogy, a team has a head coach (the mayor), support coaches (council) and the players (the staff).  The coaches plan the best options for the players to execute for a team win. 

What we have today is an outside source that was introduced to determine a game plan. It seems the result has been a philosophical interpretation seemingly based on ESG initiatives resulting in conclusions that invert the pyramid of authority.  The players execute and the coaches plan. Period.  To be blunt what the Cuff report recommends is the hired help should run the farm.  

So the questions are:  Who is responsible for the hiring of George Cuff?  Was procurement policy followed? How much has it cost the taxpayers of Sechelt? 

The red herring in this episode is the request of councillors for a mayoral apology over heated remarks at a SCRD meeting. Some music today promotes excessive derogatory language that is oddly socially acceptable. Council has been triangulated by the SCRD and now claims their feelings have been verbally assaulted. Quit pouting, grow up and be adult enough to get on with the work of policy and governance for the benefit of Sechelt. 

Need a reminder?  Water; a true highway; dependable ferries; and more recently, criminal behaviour and street disorder. 

Bud Hoffman, Sechelt