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Letters: Prescribed safer supply works

'Despite what Ms Sturko claims to have heard, there have been zero deaths due exclusively to prescription opioids, according to the coroner’s office.'
Looking up at sunlight piercing through a douglas fir tree filled forest, British Columbia, Canada


As we approach the 9th anniversary of the declared health crisis due to toxic drug deaths in BC, this remains the leading cause of death in the province. It is truly shameful that politicians like Elenore Sturko are exploiting peoples’ prejudices with misinformation to scapegoat some of the most vulnerable in the province, who have dared to accept one of the few available sources of support from our health system –– prescribed safer supply.

Despite what Ms Sturko claims to have heard, there have been zero deaths due exclusively to prescription opioids, according to the coroner’s office. In any case, safer supply medications make up a tiny percentage of opioid prescriptions in B.C., so this new policy will not put a dent in the diverted medication available.

Research from established programs like SAFER VICTORIA report 90% of safer supply recipients reduce their use of illicit supply, 86 per cent report improved mental health, 83 per cent have increased their connection to healthcare, and 79 per cent improved connection to social supports.

The next overdose due to the increased difficulties accessing safer supply thanks to this new policy is statistically more likely to be one of the crew on the building site for new housing than the homeless person you don’t like the looks of.

Brian Mackenzie
i2i Peer Support, Gibsons