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Letters: Leave Sue Big Oil to individuals

I am very upset to read that the District of Sechelt council is going to donate $12,000 to the Sue Big Oil campaign.


I am very upset to read that the District of Sechelt council is going to donate $12,000 to the Sue Big Oil campaign. The money could be better spent on homeless, fixing our roads, better bicycle lanes or the water shortage we seem to face every year. People have to remember Sechelt is a tourist destination and how do people get here, by car and ferry not bike and row boat. From the story in the Coast Reporter the campaign has 2,000 signatures, maybe they could each donate $10 to the cause if they believe in it so much. I agree with Mayor Henderson if you want to sue then go after the users. Or maybe the auto manufacturers or the aviation industry. No one has forced us to put gas in our cars. Just wondering how many people who signed the petition are living off the comforts of hydrocarbons. 

Rob Miller, Sechelt