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Letters: Intimidation musn’t win

Editor: It seems like the inmates are trying to run the asylum once again. I, too, would like to see COVID restrictions removed but we can’t let protesters using intimidation tactics succeed.


It seems like the inmates are trying to run the asylum once again. I, too, would like to see COVID restrictions removed but we can’t let protesters using intimidation tactics succeed. 

There has been a long history of allowing protesters in democratic societies to infringe on the rights and freedoms of other citizens. 

This has been true for protests on both the left and right sides of the political and philosophical spectrum. That tolerance has gotten us into the mess we are in now and it’s going to be very difficult to stop the string of current anti-restriction protests. For all their talk of freedom, the protesters seem to show very little concern about the freedoms of those not involved in the protest. I wish they could see the irony. 

Doug Smith, West Sechelt