I was involved with the FAC committee and I can tell you it was a PR stunt. The terms of reference and the very narrow topics for discussion were such that it was impossible to make any meaningful suggestions. We could not discuss pricing, scheduling, staffing, reservations or priority loading for residents nor any other important issues. As a result, I and others left the committee. In my mind, it is just continuing proof that BC Ferries is poorly run and needs a house cleaning.
Perhaps study Washington Ferries and see how they run their fleet. With all the new technologies there must be a way to reduce costs. BC Ferries is one example of the waste going on throughout our municipalities, federal government and provincial government. The public cannot afford these well-meaning people who believe we must be protected from ourselves. So they make the rules and hire people to enforce them and then have people make sure they implement the rules.
Then hire people to pay the people etc. etc. One day it will come tumbling down.
Russ Keir Alfreds
Selma Park