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Letters: Echoing Ti’ta crosswalk concern

'Drivers round the sharp curve into the hospital lot where people on foot may be crossing, often seniors walking slowly while drivers may be stressed and in a hurry as they look for a (scarce) parking spot.'


Re: Ti’ta Way crosswalk, I heartily agree with Erin Clark (“Address Ti’ta Way crosswalk,” Coast Reporter Jan. 31) that it is a dangerous crossing for pedestrians on both the hospital and Your Independent Grocer sides. Drivers round the sharp curve into the hospital lot where people on foot may be crossing, often seniors walking slowly while drivers may be stressed and in a hurry as they look for a (scarce) parking spot.  

In addition, if pedestrians come from the Independent Grocer lot, they must negotiate through or around a mix of pebbles, silt, and mud (and ice?), or over the curb between close-parked cars and perhaps large barriers infringing on the walkway, which is the only pedestrian route out of the mall. This is whether they are able-bodied or using a walker, mobility scooter or other aid, or with limited sight so that they may be unaware of the hazard. 

Not having had to negotiate that crossing after dark, I can’t comment on whether or not the night lighting on either side provides good visibility for both drivers and pedestrians. And I’m guessing pedestrian-controlled lights may be a concern for ambulance drivers arriving in a emergency situation. However, all of it, in my view, is an accident waiting to happen. At least the treacherous low spot at the end of the mall crosswalk should surely not be too difficult or costly to remedy.  

The entire area needs serious assessment and remedial action. Soon, before someone is seriously injured. Or worse.  


Sheila Weaver, Gibsons