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Letters: Cellular pandemic

Editor: Has the cellular phone become the new pandemic? I am witnessing cellular phone use as a broad spread epidemic: while walking, I see near collisions, and that is bad enough; while driving, it’s terrifying! Almost every time I stop at a t


Has the cellular phone become the new pandemic? 

I am witnessing cellular phone use as a broad spread epidemic: while walking, I see near collisions, and that is bad enough; while driving, it’s terrifying! Almost every time I stop at a traffic signal, the driver of the car in front of me has their head down and jars to attention to move long after the light turns green. The number of commercial truck drivers that I see using their phone while driving is truly shocking. 

What can be done? Policing is not available. 

Maybe there needs to be a new attitude from society in general, as happened around littering. Somehow, perhaps, the general public should join together to report offenders, and help to keep pedestrians and other drivers safe. 

Walter Robinson, Gibsons