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Letters: Big businesses, step up for Gibsons Wildlife Rehab

Calling in big business to help save Gibsons Wildlife Rehab.  
A pigeon with a leg injury getting treated under the care of Gibsons Wildlife Rehab Centre.


Calling in big business to help save Gibsons Wildlife Rehab.  

As the Gibson’s Wildlife Rehab Centre tells the public that it is in high need of a Christmas miracle in order to stay open, it would seem like it is a good time hear their plea. They have explained that they need to close doors due to the high prices of everything these days. They are taking donations, but acknowledge those are hard to get lately, as people in general are using their resources to…well, survive. Altogether, we can donate 20s and 50s, maybe 100s, but will that get them what they need to stay open?    

After so many years of service to this community, solely on the basis of donations, isn’t it time that they get support for this miracle? We all need this center to stay open. Our well-being depends on the well-being of everything around us. We owe it to the wildlife around us, constantly displaced and affected by human activity. Therefore, it is timely to call in big business on the Coast to step in now. Step in and exercise some philantrocapitalism and help solve a problem that needs urgent attention and resources that the regular citizen is not being able to provide. Big businesses on the Coast…you know who you are…please step in and help save Gibson’s Wildlife Rehab. 

Mariel Yglesias, Sechelt