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Letters: A bridge to the Sunshine Coast would improve everything

'If we want families to live on the Sunshine Coast and raise children who can work here rather than having to leave to find work, we have to do better.'
N. Howe Sound stock


I find it very interesting since I moved to the Sunshine Coast 10 years ago, that every time someone writes a letter regarding a potential solution to our ferry problems, road problems, water problems, economic problems and overall lack of development, people profess environmental disaster and loss of lifestyle.  

A bridge to the Sunshine Coast would resolve all of these problems and provide a much better place to live for many families, while saving the land in Richmond and the Fraser Valley for growing produce and livestock to feed the people of our province rather than relying so much on imports.  

If we want families to live on the Sunshine Coast and raise children who can work here rather than having to leave to find work, we have to do better. Perhaps, with the good news that Nicholas Simons is leaving, we will be able to get an MLA that actually does something for the challenges that people of the Sunshine Coast face. Also, maybe the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club will get behind a push for a bridge in order to resolve our many problems, rather than T-shirts to say that we are not an island. 

A bridge to the Sunshine Coast would improve everything, especially for families and businesses, filling many of the currently vacant commercial spaces and giving hope to families that their children might be able to stay, live and work here. Let’s keep the earwigs under the leaves. 

Brian Hulme, Sechelt