Residents have been asked by the Town of Gibsons to fill out yet another survey to determine the ultimate fate of Glassford Road. One option is to place five speed humps along its length and the other option is to keep the road closed.
Another survey, even though:
• The three previous surveys indicated the majority (59 per cent) of local respondents wished the road to be open.
• After the six-month trial closure, a legally submitted petition which represented the majority of the communities’ residents, was presented to council requesting that the road be reopened.
• At the May 17, 2022 committee of the whole meeting, council recommended that the road be reopened and traffic calming measures be installed.
• The majority of the participants at the November 29, 2022, committee of the whole dialogue regarding Glassford Road, spoke of their desire to see Glassford Road reopened and proper traffic calming measures implemented.
• At this same meeting, counsellors indicated that they did not believe it was ever the intention of council to keep the road closed permanently.
• The closure severely restricts emergency access and egress.
• There has been no risk report from emergency services as required by ToG bylaw 1175-2012.
• The closure would result in the creation of two cul-de-sacs, both which exceed the permissible length as set out in the ToG bylaw 1175-2012.
• The closure creates a road structure that fails to meet the safety criteria of the Transportation Association of Canada Geometric Road Design (TAC).
Why is council still considering closing this road as an option? Surely there is sufficient information for council to direct staff to reopen the road and install proper traffic calming measures as has been repeatedly requested by all neighbourhood residents.
Dennise Dombroski, Gibsons