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Letter: Please clean the refundables for Habitat for Humanity

Editor: Addressed to a select number of people … Do you pile your unrinsed dishes into a garbage bag and leave it for a month before cleaning? Do you leave leftover milk in cereal bowls for a week before rinsing? Do you put cigarette butts int


Addressed to a select number of people … Do you pile your unrinsed dishes into a garbage bag and leave it for a month before cleaning? Do you leave leftover milk in cereal bowls for a week before rinsing? Do you put cigarette butts into your drinking glasses? No, of course you don’t. So why then do you bring your refundable containers to Habitat for Humanity collection sites in that condition?

While we appreciate the sentiment of your donation and are grateful for every container we receive, please understand that our volunteers must handle virtually every container we receive. Clean and dry would be ideal.

Combined, our refundable collection sites generate $90,000 each year to help provide affordable housing to families. If you are currently putting your refundable containers into your recycling bins, or worse, into the garbage, please consider bringing them to one of our sites in Sechelt or Gibsons and help us get to $100,000.

Linda Harris

Habitat for Humanity

Refundables Volunteer Coordinator - Sechelt