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Letter: Losing faith that our water woes will ever be solved

'Faith has been defined as an irrational belief in the impossible and so it would seem with any resolution to our dire water situation.'


Once again, as summer rolls around with the inevitable water restrictions, the Coast Reporter prints complaints about the lack of action from all levels of government with respect to our water “crisis.” This has been going on for years and I admire the optimism and faith of those who think things are about to change. 

Faith has been defined as an irrational belief in the impossible and so it would seem with any resolution to our dire water situation. 

The provincial government, including our “invisible” MLA (what’s his name again?) doesn’t seem to care and our local elected officials seem incapable of any meaningful action. 

Our population will continue to increase while water storage and supply remain stagnant (no pun intended). 

Letter writers should save their energy and concentrate on saving and recycling water as the latter is a much more productive course of action. 

Buzz Bennett, Gibsons