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Letter: Hold them accountable


In response to the letter questioning the rationale of suing Big Oil; and in turn, the culpability of Big Oil. 

Basically arguing to give Big Oil a “get out of jail free card” and putting the onus, instead, on those of us living within this system that has allotted us very little choice in alternatives to fossil fuels for decades. Scientists employed by Big Oil corporations have known about the consequences of burning fossil fuels for well over 50 years. In my opinion, Big Oil in at the very least behaved in ways that are blatantly anti-competitive, anti-trust, anti-capitalist, to keep renewable energy alternatives out of the market, like hydrogen fuel cell companies. To my mind, if it wasn’t for the malfeasance of these Big Oil companies kyboshing innovation, I can only imagine how far we would have come by now in viable alternatives for vehicle transportation.

Big Oil (just like the plastic companies) put the onus on the consumer to deal with the environmental catastrophe unfolding. In my opinion, Big Oil wants us to feel responsible and helpless all at the same time. Your letter speaks to the success of that campaign. Well, I for one (and I am not alone) am wise to the tricks of Big Oil and refuse to take responsibility for what appears to be a decades-long campaign of deceit, putting profits over people, and all others who reside on this planet we call Earth. We have been hoodwinked and we need to recognize that. It is time to hold Big Oil accountable.

Lisa Hanning

Robert’s Creek