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Letter: Health solutions exist, where’s ours on the Sunshine Coast?

'I ask anyone who reads this letter to go online and read the provincial government’s info on Urgent Primary Care Centres, Primary Care Networks and Community Health Centres and then ask “where’s ours?” There are solutions.'


My G.P. wanted to live and continue practising on the Coast. However, the Ministry of Health was apparently unable to support her husband’s professional desire to relocate to the Coast. He’s a psychiatrist. My doctor’s practice is now on the Lower Mainland.

We’ve lost the support of two more doctors. Over 5,000 Sunshine Coast residents are without a G.P., let alone a specialist. The Coast population continues to grow. Sechelt Hospital requests only those with a true emergency attend the E.R. BC Ferries has become unreliable as our marine highway. We’re isolated. We’re in a dire medical care situation.

I recently met with Sechelt Mayor John Henderson. I asked if he communicates with the Ministry of Health and Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). He advised he’s requested a meeting with the Ministry but hasn’t received a response. VCH is apparently working to find a solution to our local health care crisis but hasn’t included him or divulged a plan. He suggested that if Coasters come up with even one helpful solution the government might respond. He exampled the idea of “empty nesters” who have rooms/suites available that could be offered to doctors/nurses on a short-term basis. My meeting with Mayor Henderson wasn’t reassuring.

If we “know stuff” then we can better understand and act. I ask anyone who reads this letter to go online and read the provincial government’s info on Urgent Primary Care Centres, Primary Care Networks and Community Health Centres and then ask “where’s ours?” There are solutions.  

The Coast’s doctors are doing their level best to advocate for patient care. I believe the Sunshine Coast community could also unite to become a powerful advocate for our collective health care needs. I’m very discontented. Are you? If so, take action. Ask questions. Get out there, make your discontented voices heard. B.C.’s next provincial election is Oct. 19, 2024.

Moira Zealand, Sechelt