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Letter: Grandstanding, to what end?

'After innumerable meetings, almost six months of work, the 2025 budget is almost complete. For any council member to now present a motion asking for “staff review” without specific changes, is not serious. At least not serious about the budget.'
Sechelt Municipal Hall 2
District of Sechelt municipal hall file photo.


Mr. Bud Hoffman, who castigates Sechelt council in a letter (“Council vs. mayor, Feb. 21”), needs to be better informed before slinging insults.

Municipal staff start the budget process in late August and since November council has been engaged in the “informed and thoughtful” deliberations Mr. Hoffman rightfully expects. After innumerable meetings, almost six months of work, the 2025 budget is almost complete. For any council member to now present a motion asking for “staff review” without specific changes, is not serious. At least not serious about the budget.

Not only does the mayor’s motion come late in the process, it disingenuously asks for a “staff review.” Any civil servant could quickly provide a short list of optional cuts to consider during a budget review. Unfortunately, self-interest is a reality in human affairs. Staff recommendations will always reflect their interests as much as community priorities.

The mayor knows this as well as I do –– it is why councils are given detailed reviews, where they may question and reject every expenditure. If, at this late stage, the mayor believes the 2025 budget increase is too large –– it is well past time to identify exact programs, services and expenditures to cut.

Somebody is grandstanding, and it isn’t the councillors. 

Don’t misunderstand me, I believe public theatre is an important part of politics. Grandstanding, in particular, connects well with low-information voters. Kudos to the mayor for reaching out to the uninformed and unaware –– they are as important a constituency as any in our community. But, please, don’t use his political theatre as an excuse to castigate council.  

The current council is working hard in a difficult environment. Each and every one of them is fiscally conservative and against wasteful spending. They deserve your support, not uninformed scoldings.

Bruce Milne

Davis Bay