I would like to give a “shout out” to everyone who gives their time and energy to volunteering in this community. There are so many but they do need our support in order that their efforts are rewarded.
I attended the annual general meeting of the Sechelt village/downtown residents’ association on Saturday. Feb. 8. Unfortunately, it couldn’t go ahead due to lack of a quorum. It is being rescheduled.
Hopefully enough of us will be able to attend on Saturday, March 8, in order that the association can continue to do its valuable work for the community.
We all have concerns, complaints and ideas about our community today and for its future.
So making the time and effort to attend a meeting in order that others can continue to represent us in a variety of places and ways could be time well spent.
Thanks to all those who do their bit to make democracy work!
For more details on the Sechelt Village Community Association go to secheltvillage.weebly.com or contact them by email: [email protected]
Sally Markham