A few years ago Franklin Road had some major work done on it. The Town's original plans were for a three-lane monstrosity, with concrete sidewalks lining the road. Area residents would have none of this, and attended every town meeting to argue against this. After a huge show of support, we managed to alter the Town's original plans to something much more quaint.
But now everything we worked for is under threat. I refer to the new plans made, that proclaim the Gospel Rock developers think it financially inadvisable to develop Gospel Rock without some waterfront development. About a year ago, community members were given the option between two different plans. One plan included development on the waterfront, the other did not. Although I'm not old enough to vote, I was strongly in favour of the option that left the waterfront undeveloped.
Now, it seems the calm neighbourhood that Franklin Road residents created is going to be destroyed. A road is proposed further up Franklin through Gospel Rock. Not only will traffic greatly increase in Lower Gibsons, but it will increase run-off that we already have a problem with. The last remaining patch of trees will be bulldozed so the deer will have to come live in the town, constantly in fear of being hit by a car.
Say goodbye to the view from Gospel Rock, the calm neighbourhood, the waterfront, the forest. Say hello to cars, pollution, huge houses for the select few. Is this what our little town stands for? Do the people of Vancouver leave the noise, cars and development of the city and come to the Coast to see more of the same?
Let's keep Gibsons. Let's keep our waterfront, our small town, our forests. It's what defines us.
Maya Broeke
Age 13, Gibsons