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Let common sense prevail

Editor: After all the time and money spent to beautify and improve the Davis Bay waterfront walk, for both residents and visitors alike, it is totally insane to rip it up just to provide more paved highway, at the cost of losing 20 parking spaces, se


After all the time and money spent to beautify and improve the Davis Bay waterfront walk, for both residents and visitors alike, it is totally insane to rip it up just to provide more paved highway, at the cost of losing 20 parking spaces, seats and flower beds.

It would appear that it is at the behest of B.C. Highways that our council felt obliged to vote for the widening (shame on you all that voted "yes").

Let's have a little creative thinking here. For a fraction of the cost, speed cameras could be installed, one at the bend and one at the start of the speed zone at the Sechelt end.

Below the cameras, which should be prominently displayed, erect a sign reading "speed camera" then a space below this reading "have your photo displayed here."

As the cameras will catch speeding offenders, the worst one's would get their photos posted (electronically, of course), with one photo being posted each week titled - "speeder of the week." This should deter a large number of potential offenders.

Let common sense prevail over politics for once!

Ralph Meyer
