Premier Gordon Campbell and the Liberals continue to show their arrogance and disdain for the voters of this province.
First it was the Carbon tax this summer, which went over oh so well as we had to pay even more at the gas pumps. Then in early August the exorbiant pay increases for the government's civil servants now Campbell has decided to cancel the fall session of the legislature - the second time he's done that in two years.
Campbell's reasons for cancelling the session - he doesn't think there is anything to do and really nothing that MLAs need to talk about. Talk about arrogance and a premier that clearly has lost touch with reality.
There are plenty of issues worth discussing, Mr. Campbell, and I have a few suggestions.
How about the Carbon tax and the environment? With our plant in peril very day, fuel prices going up and the fight to keep our water and climate clean, shouldn't our politicians be debating and coming up with practical solutions to these problems? I guess not. The environment's not that important, so let's just wait until next year to talk about that.
How about debating the pay increases that Campbell rolled out on a Friday in August during the Summer Olympics no less and the media totally in the dark. Our lowest paid workers don't get a raise but the top executives get to line their pockets with more cash. Great idea Mr. Campbell. No, nothing to talk about and debate with that issue because I'm sure all the residents in this province are fine with it.
Our health care system has come under intense scrutiny this summer, so much so that ombudsman Kim Carter launched her own province-wide investigation a few weeks ago seeking the public's ideas and stories about their experiences with health care. There was also talk by the Liberals of creating a seniors advocate to improve accountability in the health care system, but that hasn't happened and won't happen until the idea is debated in the legislature. Guess that won't be happening anytime soon.
The problems with meat regulations and protecting local food, farm workers and working conditions for vulnerable employees are things that affect us all. These issues still have yet to be resolved and with no debate in Victoria, will just sit there, unresolved.
And lastly, a topic that is near and dear to all of us is B.C. Ferries. Fares continue to rise and our system is not running effectively. During the Ferries AGM a few weeks ago in Delta, Gibsons Mayor Barry Janyk tried to question president and CEO David Hahn about matters pertaining to the Coast and he was shut down. Hahn avoided the question as if it was nothing. Don't you think the Ferry system would be a good topic to debate in Victoria? I think so, but I guess Campbell doesn't.
It costs roughly $30,000 a day to run the legislature and while I'm all for saving a few bucks and having our MLA working on issues that directly affect us here on the Sunshine Coast, the decision by the Liberals to quash the fall session is just plain stupid.
By not having a regular session and no question period, the public loses out. There is no chance for either side to be held accountable for their actions. We elect politicians to stand up for us and address our concerns. If the legislature is silent, how can we make sure our voices are being heard?
Are the Liberals so arrogant that they think come election time next May they will have a lock on the votes and be re-elected? It appears so because the Liberals aren't iterested in debating the issues. Be sure to remember that when you cast your vote in May.