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Laughable pitch for votes



In response to Mathew Wilson’s scathing basket of lies, “Seniors’ care project needs celebrating, not name-calling,” in last week’s edition: I cannot fathom how people could be so gullible as to not see through Wilson’s laughable pitch for votes.

Why would VCH tell Mathew Wilson, a candidate in the upcoming election, that Shorncliffe and Totem would be kept open, and wages will be kept the same, at the new Trellis facility? VCH and Trellis have both informed the staff personally, and in writing, that this will not be the case.

If what Mr. Wilson says is true, I’m sure VCH would have made a grand announcement to the HEU, the BCNU, PPHC, and general “concerned” members of the community – if for no other reason than to shut them up. They have not.

As for the new facility being 128 beds (an addition of only 20) with a capacity to add 96 more; to date, they have not received the zoning for the original 128 bed proposed model, let alone the expectation of 96 more beds.

Mr. Wilson is the name-caller here, and he is doing so without a clear knowledge of the facts! I sure hope the citizens of the Sunshine Coast can see through this.

Barbara Werk, Sechelt