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Kids know better than us

Editor: I'm going crazy here worrying about the new cap on the oil, the fires consuming our beautiful province, the fires in Russia and the floods everywhere.


I'm going crazy here worrying about the new cap on the oil, the fires consuming our beautiful province, the fires in Russia and the floods everywhere. The wildlife fighting to breathe and the birds - man, oh man, the birds trying to breathe air but oil instead. The slow motion of that shot left a big nasty imprint on my way of getting by day to day.

Then this advertisement from the TV came on in the background. It showed a lady so thankful to have finally found a way to make things smell just right: stick a plastic thing on the inside of your hot dryer. That's the missing piece of the puzzle - not. Its poison heats up in the dryer to coat your clothes and it burns the tiny furs on your lungs. Clean and fragrance-free is safest for a long life, if you ask me.

Ask me? I am still shocked at everything. Kids know better than us. Ask any kid and you will find all the right answers. They will tell you to drink from metal or glass, they will teach you how to recycle.

Jennifer Wilcox
