I was not surprised to see a flurry of letters to the editor regarding the George Hotel proposal for Gibsons. I have respect for those who do not share my positive opinion for this plan. As well, I regard those who want answers regarding this endeavour as people who care and are showing interest in their community's future.
I do, however, have difficulty with those who express their negative feelings and support them by using less than factual information. The letter "Gibsons is not dying" written by Katie Janyk, published on Sept. 21, is such an example.
At no time was the plan for a waterfront hotel and small convention centre presented as "the magic bullet that will save our town." Surely the author of this letter can show respect for those who feel this is a positive aspect of the project. How does she know that this is not true? Where is her evidence?
I would like to suggest to Katie Janyk that she wait until the plan is finalized then make her judgments based on fact. As suggested in her letter, I have a feeling that regardless of what is brought forth, that it fits the official community plan, there will always be those who won't support new plans wholeheartedly.
It would appear that the open house was successful. I understand that approximately 220 surveys were received. Of those, nine were undecided, the "yes" surveys totaled 192 and the "no" tally was 19. Not bad for the "grandiose hotel."
Judy Campbell, Gibsons