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Just one big green church

Re: St. Hilda's church going green (Coast Reporter, May 15).

Re: St. Hilda's church going green (Coast Reporter, May 15).


As a child some time ago asked me: "Why are there so many religions and churches, if there is only one God?"

It would be a greener plan to build one church building, where all people of different religions could come together to conserve energy and worship education, environmental justice, etc. Only one set of lights, one heating bill, etc. would be required.

In education worship, we would learn to accept and respect each other and see that we each have our own approach to any subject.

Earth is indeed Creation's gift.

Could there also be peace on earth? Would religious groups no longer create wars? No guns or other war materials would be needed to kill each other - another energy conservation.

Could this be something to think about?

Johan van der Geest
