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Is the race track open?

Editor: Excessive vehicular noise and speeding in Lower Gibsons is threatening the viability of the Lower Gibsons community. Residents, businesses and tourism, so vital to the Town are under siege.


Excessive vehicular noise and speeding in Lower Gibsons is threatening the viability of the Lower Gibsons community. Residents, businesses and tourism, so vital to the Town are under siege.

The primary offenders are motorcyclists who roar around the streets, apparently oblivious to the fact that their often baffle-less bikes emit an ear splitting noise and high speed, are in contravention of Town noise and speed bylaws, not to mention threatening to the safety, enjoyment and financial stability of Lower Gibsons. Numerous calls to the RCMP and the Town of Gibsons for increased patrols and reinforcement of existing laws have so far brought no results.

Residents, businesses and the Town are all working hard to promote the beautiful coastal lifestyle and while carefully expanding, preserve the historic nature of the Town. What are these efforts worth if the illegal actions of a few erode our lifestyle and tax base through literally "driving" people away?

If you are concerned about this, please join in the appeal to the mayor and councillors of the Town of Gibsons and the RCMP to ask for their support to take action on this matter. We all have a vested interest in the success of our community. Let's support each other and act.

Bill and Ev Sluis
