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In like a lion, out with a roar

March came on like a lion, with more snow and ugly weather, and for some, an ugly economic forecast. It's been a tough month for many in our fine community, but we have the right tonic for the March blues as we finish the month with a roar.

March came on like a lion, with more snow and ugly weather, and for some, an ugly economic forecast.

It's been a tough month for many in our fine community, but we have the right tonic for the March blues as we finish the month with a roar.

In today's edition we present our second annual Horizons feature. I mentioned this section briefly in my last column in February, but this is an important feature for not only us, but for our community, so I thought I would offer some further insight this month.

Contained in this 24-page feature is an outlook on our community - where we have come from and where we hope to go. We have stories on our governments including the Town of Gibsons, Sunshine Coast Regional District, District of Sechelt and School District No. 46. Sechelt Mayor Darren Inkster, Gibsons Mayor Barry Janyk, SCRD board chair Donna Shugar and SD46 superintendent Deborah Palmer have spoken candidly about their respective government bodies. They have talked about the challenges that each one faces and some of the initiatives each has in store. Mayor Janyk mentioned a new and enhanced harbour master plan for Gibsons, and the Town will continue to strive to find a balanced and fair neighbourhood plan for Gospel Rock that everyone in the community can be proud of and cherish. Upgrades to the airport, a new wastewater treatment plant and continued revitalization of the downtown core in Sechelt are just three of the projects Mayor Inkster touched on. At the SCRD, Shugar spoke about continuing to protect our Coast watersheds, promoting recreation facilities, the recycling services review and a new transportation study - all key things for our community. And Palmer spoke about SD46 working to avoid school closures this year, while still providing engaging and quality instruction for students on the Coast.

But it's just not our government leaders speaking. Many of our business leaders are talking positively about our future too.

Take, for example, Community Futures and the business projects they offer, or the Community Foundation and the many grants they have available to worthy groups and organizations. In Pender Harbour, wonderful things are going on at the Health Centre and with the continuing fundraising efforts to get an Abbeyfield House built. Christenson Village, the Gibsons Garden Inn and the Seniors' Centres in Gibsons and Sechelt offer insights into the programs that are being offered our senior population and the good work that is going on behind the scenes.

This section is just the tip of the iceberg - there are loads of other great things happening in our community. So drop us a line, give us your feedback, and open up your Horizons.