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Heartless thieves

For the second time in less than a year, the good people of Habitat for Humanity have been the victims of theft. Overnight on Oct. 11 and 12, thieves broke into the Habitat construction site on North Road in Gibsons.

For the second time in less than a year, the good people of Habitat for Humanity have been the victims of theft.

Overnight on Oct. 11 and 12, thieves broke into the Habitat construction site on North Road in Gibsons. They cut the locks on the gate, cut the lock on the construction container used for storage and stole a chop saw and a drywall screwdriver. About eight months ago, about $500 worth of lumber was stolen during the first theft.

Habitat construction manager Bill Robinson pledged this week that Habitat would beef up security around the site. While we applaud them for that thought, should Habitat have to worry about beefing up security? Shouldn't their full efforts, time and energy be devoted to finishing their first housing project?

Is Habitat going to have to start hiring armed guards with dogs to secure their work sites? Habitat is a wonderful organization that is doing so much in this community. Besides the North Road home, this Sunday, Habitat will officially break ground on their second project, in Sechelt on Reef Road.

Those responsible for these thefts are heartless. Stealing is bad enough, but stealing from a non-profit organization working hard to make this community a better place is just sad.

Courts getting tougher?Could the court system actually be getting tougher on drug dealers?

That would appear to be the case, at least with one recent court decision. Sunshine Coast RCMP released information this week about a local woman who pled guilty to a drug charge. Despite having no criminal record, the Supreme Court judge handed her a four-month jail sentence. RCMP is applauding this decision, and so are we.

On many occasions we've chastised the courts in this space for not taking tougher stances when rendering their decisions. In the past, the courts have been pretty lax on handing out any jail time to convicted drug dealers and handed out a fine - basically a slap on the wrist.

Now maybe the tide is turning. If you do the crime, be prepared to do some time.