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Grandmothers thankful for support

Editor: This letter is our way of saying thank you to all who have supported the SC Grandmothers and GrandOthers, the Stephen Lewis Foundation and the tens of thousands of grandmothers in Africa raising their orphaned grandchildren.


This letter is our way of saying thank you to all who have supported the SC Grandmothers and GrandOthers, the Stephen Lewis Foundation and the tens of thousands of grandmothers in Africa raising their orphaned grandchildren.

One hundred per cent of the funds Grandmothers' groups raise goes to various programs in 16 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

In these tough economic times and with so many local services fundraising, you still came through and made this a good year. It shows the special kind of people we have on the Coast.

We are especially pleased with our penny drive this year. Our yearly total was $1,691.68 -our best yet. This is enough money to pay school fees for 34 children for a year. Please continue to save your coins for us.

If you would like to know where you can drop off coins or if you would like us to pick up, please contact Pat at 604-885-9089 or Lynda at 604-886-9381.

For more information about our local group, please email [email protected] or call Lynda or Pat. For more information on the Stephen Lewis Foundation, see

Lynda Olsen
