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Gotta love the priorities

Editor: I find it amazing the amount of money that is going to be spent guarding the Olympic torch bearers.


I find it amazing the amount of money that is going to be spent guarding the Olympic torch bearers.

In Victoria alone more than 200 police officers will be on hand to quell any protests and at what cost to the taxpayers? I wonder if crime will take a break that day. Perhaps the break-in artists, gangbangers and home invaders will catch the Olympic spirit and take the day off to watch a bunch of non athletes help promote this dog and pony show. Perhaps they might even increase their activities knowing that there are less cops around than usual to protect Joe public. Now there's a thought!

Gotta love the priorities, Olympics and watching a few protesters verses looking after the safety and security of the citizens of B.C., which after all our tax dollars help fund. Of course to hear the RCMP tell it, civilization as we know it will end , if they don't crush these Olympic protesters. Once again I say, gotta love their priorities.

Shayne Gordon
