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Get the facts before judging

Michael Poole is hardly an authority on B.C. power requirements (Coast Reporter letters, July 31).

Michael Poole is hardly an authority on B.C. power requirements (Coast Reporter letters, July 31).

The local Sechelt First Nation, along with numerous environmental organizations, have condemned the utilities commission for supporting the largest polluter in the Lower Mainland, the Burrard thermal plant, over certified clean power generation.

When comparing only the dollar cost of power produced by this outdated pollution belching power plant, it is much cheaper to run, but this does not take into account the cost of the pollution or the effects of global warming.

There is a cost to switching to Ecologo certified green power and environmentalist have recognized that to keep up with the rest of the world and stimulate the economy we must invest in newer green technologies.

I challenge Michael Poole to come out and visit one of the numerous Ecologo certified renewable energy power plants on the Coast, some of which have directly replaced diesel burning generators. Would it not help to at least get to know some facts before condemning a whole clean renewable industry which supports many families on the Coast?

Peter Schober

Renewable Power Corp., Roberts Creek